
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Time Flies...

Already two months since my last post, and I've barely said anything about mead.  Summer's are busy, but they shouldn't be so much that I can't write about something I care for.  I've got many ideas for new posts, and am dwindling in motivation to put pen to paper (fingers to keys may be more appropriate).  So, I'm going to post a public to-do list, and hope maybe in the coming weeks I'll get around to actually posting about everything.  I'll even update with links as they are completed.  I do this as my wife stares at me with those wonderful eyes, full well knowing she's thinking "Yeah, right..."  So here goes, the list of topics:

1. Our wedding and the meads I served (link),
2. The Mazer Cup, and the scores of the meads from the wedding,
3. The American MeadMakers Association (AMMA),
4. The dwojniak in primary, the only mead I've made in the last few months,
5. A note on buying kegs when you know nothing about the topic.  Shame on Midwest Supplies for offering 'as-is' kegs for cheap.
6. And finally a post on that most sacred of ingredients, the honey itself.

That seems like a good start.  With any luck, I'll be finished by next year...

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